Richard Gray
20.07.1958 - 26.10.2024
It is with deep sadness that we bid farewell to our Grand Guardian of the Womb Blessing, Richard Gray. From the very beginning he was an important part of creating and holding the space of sacred energy and supporting the community as a whole and our initiatrix Miranda Gray in all her activities as an author and holder of the energies of the Divine Feminine.

Make your heart a garden for the fiercest part of your compassion.
so, that between the dirt and muddy roots,
your heart my lay and rest.
Let it cling to life
like the drops of all of the forgotten dawns and the ground of newly sprouted dreams.
Make it a garden of contemplation,
a path of memory and delight.
In which to wander in the early hours of the night,
when the voices are still clear,
and the remembrance will call you closer.
Water it with tears of longing and the honour of spacious grief.
so that…
in time, peace may grow.
As fertile ground for all your longings. (yseult)
Condolence book for Richard Gray
You may leave a message for the family using the form below, or express your feelings and love.
For personal messages, artwork or other creations addressed
to the family you do not wish to publish, you can send them directly to
For Moon Mother Support, please contact the Weaver Circle under
I can still see Richard & hear his hearty laugh on your Moon Mother Training Zoom. Grand Guardian of the Womb Blessing & so devoted. So thankful for everything Richard did for us Moon Mothers.
Richard loves you so much & will always be watching over you Miranda. Your beautiful hearts are lovingly entwined forever & always.
Sending my love & healing Moonlight,
Love and gentle blessings to you and your family.
Cath xxxx
Mes pensées et prières d'amour et de lumière t'accompagnent durant cette épreuve. Puisse Richard illuminer désormais le ciel d'une nouvelle étoile.
Luz para su espíritu, consuelo a la familia.
Bertha De Mello
per aver camminato con tutte noi Moon Mother su questa terra,so che continueremo il nostro cammino insieme in altre dimensioni d'amore.Che la Luce Radiosa ti illumini sempre.
Un fortissimo abbraccio Miranda.
Da cuore a cuore
What a terrible loss! May you go through these huge pains in the most profound way.
I cannot imagine the tsunami in your life right now.
Sending you all my love, gratitude and energies that helped me in times of grief and pain.
Un abrazo de corazón a corazón.
with love
Moon Mothers Ecuador
Mando amore a te e a tutta la famiglia in questo momento di passaggio, auguro a Richard un viaggio leggero nella luce e nel risveglio.
Grazie per tutto
We were so very sorry to read the news of Richards passing.
We send our love, prayers and thoughts to you.
Richard was an exceptional person. Kind and gentle with a wonderful
down to earth humour. I admired him greatly.
He will be forever in our hearts.
Chrissy & Steve Ashworth
Grazie per tutto l’impegno, il lavoro ed il sostegno che hai donato a tutte noi, grazie per aver avuto un cuore enorme e una visione infinita, so che il passaggio per te sarà nella luce e nell’amore.
Cara Miranda, grande cuore, maestra d’amore, di grazia e di purezza immagino che la sofferenza ti stia avvolgendo, ma il cuore sarà per sempre pieno di ricordi… ti abbraccio forte sapendo che presto la mancanza si trasformerà in puro Amore per l’Infinito dov’è ora risiede Richard.
Su legado permanecerá en nuestros corazones, en forma de gentileza, amabilidad y amoroso sostén.
Al mismo tiempo, qué importante poder sentir la presencia de aquellos que nos aman y están con nosotros en momentos tan difíciles, donde sentirnos arropadas puede transmutar el dolor en paz y tranquilidad.
Querida Miranda, estamos aquí para acompañar este tránsito y enviar nuestro apoyo para que te sientas sostenida y amada como tú has hecho con todas nosotras antes.
Un abrazo de corazón a corazón.
My deepest condolences for your loss. Richard was a wonderful man and made us all feel so welcome. His humour was so down to earth!
Be tender with yourself, as a fellow widow I send you courage and love ❤️
Please tell us if you need us. We can’t take away your pain but we can ease the way a little.
With so much love,
Liebe Miranda, liebe Familie,
Mein Herz schwingt mit Eurem Verlust, spürt Eure Trauer.
Zurück bleiben ist die Herausforderung, der Weg durch die Trauer die Heilung. Und es bewegt uns wie der Wind.
Ich bin bei Euch, mit meinem Herzen.